Outsource Logistics – A guide to fulfillment centers & logistics outsourcing 

Outsource Logistics – A guide to fulfillment centers & logistics outsourcing 

How Supply Chain and Logistics are Fundamental to Success

Are you trying to get into the logistics business? Want to know each and every important step to start this business then you are in the right place.

After reading this your all doubts and fears will vanish like magic, here you will get all info about logistics, logistics services, logistics management what are seven R’s, fulfillment process, there benefits, and much more.

Let’s start with first most important and basic thing logistics definition you may know it or may not or maybe not the right meaning.

Here’s the correct logistics definition which clear all your confusions.

So first, what is logistics?

Logistics, in a general market context, controls the distribution of items between the Point of origin and point of consumption to meet customer or corporate needs.

Now you have a basic idea of what is logistics and what is their main work and how important they are in our life.

You must be thinking about what specific or major services they provide?

The logistics services industry is characterized as the purchase, production, and delivery of the correct quantities of materials and goods to an end-user or final destination. It includes the science of planning, implementing, and managing procedures for the most efficient and effective storage and transport of goods.

Although transport and logistics are also concerned with bringing valuables from one place to another, logistics has added advantages and functions. Logistics managers must also take decisions on packaging, documentation, insurance, storage, import, and export regulations. In a nut-shell, logistics accommodates many jobs, including that of truckers who transport loads best suited to you for a living.

What is logistic outsourcing?

Outsourced Logistics can be defined as using external parties strategically to carry out activities traditionally handled by internal staff and resources. 

Outsourcing in logistics services effectively reduces corporate time and resources. Third-party logistics companies provide expertise to add value to your supply chain processes, giving you time to focus on what matters most – your products, your business, and your customers.

A survey found that over 70 percent of large companies (> 1 billion dollars in revenue) prefer to outsource transport-related IT functions including import/export, warehouse management, transport execution, transport planning, and network design.


In this complex and vast business management is very important or we can say the main priority.

Logistics management is a supply chain management function used to fulfill consumer demands by organizing, monitoring, and enforcing the efficient transport and storing of relevant material, products, and services from origin to destination.

Managing logistics is incredibly necessary if the company is to thrive. It requires close monitoring of both exiting and entering the property, thus maintaining the business as a whole operating smoothly. These are our top reasons to help you manage your logistics perfectly.


7 R’s in Logistics Management Services

  • Right Product. 
  • Right Place. 
  • Right Price.
  • Right Customer.
  • Right Condition.
  • Right Time.
  • Right Quantity.

If a logistic business follows these above mention things then nothing will feel complex and business growth will touch heights. These 7 R’s make a logistic business success or failure if you follow right then you definitely achieve success.


What is a fulfillment center and what do they do?

A fulfillment center takes care of both the warehousing and distribution issues, ensuring consumers have their goods on schedule, giving you plenty of room to import fresh items, have ads and other stuff that is normally placed on the back burner because you’re too busy struggling to bring products out of the door.

What is the Fulfillment Process?

The process includes logical product warehousing, receiving the order, finding the items ordered in the warehouse, “packing” those items, “shipping” them to the correct address, and notifying the customer that their order is underway.

Bearing in mind e-commerce, the fulfillment process may also include keeping online inventories (warehousing), setting up and maintaining new online customer accounts, or managing active e-commerce customer marketing lists.

Many new companies start their own order fulfillment process while the business is small, as this can be cost-effective and a good choice early when few orders are processed. However, as the business expands, the period of time it requires for the organization and its workers to execute the task will become too big and not cost-effective.

Having information about the fulfillment process, how it works, and how to do it properly is very necessary for this business. We can say the fulfillment process is the backbone of this business and a good fulfillment system is very important for managing this business.

Now you know about fulfillment and its importance in this logistic business then now let’s talk about its fulfillment center benefits.

Benefits of fulfillment center:

  1. Lower Your Shipping Costs

While it depends on the order fulfillment provider you choose, on average you can save off published shipping rates from around 15 percent to 35 percent. 

  1. Reduce Your Operating Costs

You only pay for what you use with the fulfillment services. Typically, the distribution providers charge a flat storage rate for your warehoused goods. You are then paid only for orders picked, packaged, and delivered.

  1. Extend Your Reach

Many delivery firms have in place the infrastructure for shipping and distributing orders to every region of the planet. Their global platform can be used to extend your reach and grow into new markets.

  1. Improve Your Customer Service

Reliable access to customer care is an integral part of operating a company. Many order fulfillment providers offer 24/7 e-mail or phone support. That includes simple returns, swaps, and refunds.

  1. Using Technology to Streamline Order Fulfillment

The latest technology is used by many fulfillment companies to process and ship your products. Their systems integrate into your e-commerce shop, resulting in a simplified order fulfillment phase.

There are many more benefits of fulfillment centers that can’t be told only can be experienced when you run this logistics business.

Now that you learned the rewards of meeting a logistics business. All this information you need to get into the right track in logistics and what are the requirements of this business, now get moving and become a part of this awesome business.



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