The best way to get instant cash is by doing the Car pledge [รับจำนำรถจอด, which is the term in Thai]. In car pledge a person goes to such company that does car pledge. It is meaning a person needs money. And, the person is ready to give the car to the company as collateral. After the evaluation of the car, the company will give the money to the owner. This is very helpful for all those people who want the money instantly. Because if someone needs the money instantly then going to the bank is not an option. A lot of time the bank will take to approve the loan.
Even after taking all the time most of the time bank doesn’t approve the loan amount. It can be because of the papers or it can be anything. But it happens mostly that the bank rejects the loan mainly. And, when it comes to immediate cash then it is next to impossible. Because o the rules and regulation that a bank needs to follow. That is why it is better to go to car pledging service. So, a person will get the required money instantly.
The interest rate is very low
In car pledge service the interest rates are very low. That, everyone, can afford to pay easily. It is 1.25% monthly and 15% per annum. See it is very less than any loan amount. That is why it is said that car pledge is the best option to get instant cash. Just do it and get the money.
Lower interest rate is beneficial for the person
Every person needs to see the interest rate first before applying for car pledge. Because if the company gives a lower interest rate. Then, it means the person needs to pay less amount of money. That is always good for the person. So, a person can save a lot of money.