Birth Injuries Risk Factors and What Actions to Take

Birth Injuries Risk Factors and What Actions to Take

The journey through pregnancy and labor is meant to be rewarding and fulfilling when the mother holds her infant for the first time. If you are going through this, you understand best the kind of excitement that comes with preparing for the delivery of a baby. The last thing you want to think of is the type of birth injuries that could affect your soon to be born child. What most parents do not know is that they can evade birth injuries simply by understanding birth injuries risk factors.

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Abnormal delivery position

About a week before a child is born, the physician can tell the position that the baby is likely to be delivered. Therefore, high-risk pregnancies such as breech and face first presentation can be noticed in advance. These two positions are considered abnormal since they are associated with high risk of birth injuries. When a child is lying in an abnormal position, it is possible to get stuck or have other complications. Once your doctor notices such risks, he or she may ask you to opt for C-section instead of birth canal delivery.

Mom too small or baby too big

Babies that are considerably bigger than expected could increase the risk of birth injuries during delivery. When a child is heavier than 8lbs or bigger than the proportionate date, the condition is known as fetal macrosomia. If the mother’s pelvis is not shaped correctly for a vaginal birth, the condition is referred to as cephalopelvic disproportion, and it could lead to birth injuries.

In the case of cephalopelvic disproportion or fetal macrosomia, labor might take unusually long which might, in turn, cause birth injuries to the infant. That is why regular checkup during pregnancy is recommended for expectant mothers. When your doctor notices any of these conditions, you might be asked to consider C-section as it is the safer method.

Premature children

Due to unavoidable circumstances, one may be required to deliver the baby before week 37 of the gestation period is over. Such births are premature and are associated with a host of health hazards such as birth injuries. That is why doctors advise mothers who are at risk of premature birth to get enough rest until when the baby is old enough to be born safely. Find out more on premature birth.

Despite all measures that can be undertaken to prevent premature births, they still happen. Birth injuries that tend to occur due to premature birth include:

  • Lacerations
  • Birth injury
  • Fractures
  • Caput succedaneum

What can go wrong during delivery?

Pregnancy ought to be managed properly, and the baby’s progress monitored often. Doctors are obliged by law to follow medical standards in caring for the mother and the baby. Failing to follow these regulations might lead to birth injuries. If an obstetrician makes an error, the child can suffer from lifetime conditions such as cerebral palsy, fractures and many developmental delays.

Should you contact a lawyer?

Children who suffer from birth injuries deserve a chance to grow to full potential, and this comes at a cost. Such babies might require costly surgeries and therapy. Even though no doctor wishes the worst for their patients, it becomes necessary to contract a medical malpractice lawyer in such instances. Most doctors have insurance, so birth injuries errors are covered by their insurance provider.


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