Popularity of solar energy is growing more day by day globally and most of the people are installing solar panel in their homes to reduce the electricity cost. Its installation requires several other elements than, just a set of solar plates. You cannot just wire your solar panel to your devices and use energy, to set up the stable and usable solar system you need hire professional solar installer who can get it done in the best way. People in Portland are mainly in the practice of getting it installed on the top of their roofs.
Duties of professional solar installer
Investigating home’s energy efficiency
Before starting the installation process, professionals investigate the used and considerable potential upgrades. He should be well aware of the total electricity usage, which can help in reducing the installation cost. This will help the installer to understand where the home is losing the energy and can be done to reduce it. This will help to reduce the power consumption and help your solar system to retain more energy for longer period of time. So, if you are thinking to install it in your home then there are countless professional agencies like Sunbridge Solar you can hire.
Analyze roof condition
Before getting the installation professionals analyze the roof thoroughly and carefully. Sunbridge earns top Portland Solar Company award in 2019, so if you are thinking for installation then it can be the best and ideal choice to get it done in the best way. Rooftop solar panels generally guarantee 20-25 years service life, that doesn’t mean that it can be installed in a bad condition of your roof. Installers analyze the roof if it is old and damaged then they will ask to repair it first, because solar panels are generally weighted so if your roof is damaged then it can’t bear its weight for a long period.